Are you looking for a fun alternative to Trick-or-Treating this year? Today I am sharing with you 4 alternatives to Trick-or-Treating on Halloween.

Halloween party in place of trick-or-treating
Are you skipping trick-or-treating due to the weather, safety ,or allergy concerns? You have options to make the holiday fun for everyone without the risks. Throw a Halloween Party at home. With a party in your home you can better control the foods your child comes in contact with. This is vital for food allergies. It also eliminates the risk that your child will become comfortable with the idea of taking candy from strangers. Throwing a party at home lets you enjoy the fun of costume and candy in a safe controlled environment.
Ditch Trick-or-Treating for a movie night
Nothing says Halloween like a scary movie, or for little ones just a fun Halloween movie will do. Halloween Town anyone? Candy, popcorn, and a movie night are a great way to spend Halloween as a family. The lights being off for the movie will also limit the chance a trick-or-treater will knock on the door. This is a great option for the family with a new baby or a sick family member that can be easily disturbed from much-needed rest . Want to get out of the house? The children’s movies at the local movie theater are a great way to celebrate. Dress up as a character from the movie to make the night even more fun.
Try glow bowling in place of Trick-or-Treating
A fun activity for Halloween is to get dressed up a bit wacky and head down to the local bowling alley . Many offer glow bowling on holidays. With black lights, wacky outfits look even crazier. The physical activity will knock your child out and leave you with a great night of sleeping children while other moms are fighting kids with a sugar rush into bed. The best part is the whole family can have fun.
Visit a theme park on Halloween
Theme parks are not nearly as busy as you Expect on Halloween day. It is a great off-season time for a vacation. Costumes are welcome and even encouraged. The whole family can have fun and make lasting memories. There is a good chance your child will forget they dress up as Spiderman to go trick-or-treating as a kid, but I promise he won’t forget meeting Spiderman. If a trip to a big theme park is not in budget and you live near places like Disney you will find they have a free shopping area just bursting with safe Halloween fun.

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