When it comes to our health it is hard to save. Cutting corners doesn’t cut it when your health comes into play but you can save money on health care without hurting yourself. With the Affordable care act many deductibles went up while incomes did not. With these 7 tips and tricks you can save money on healthcare.

7 ways to cut healthcare cost:
1. Negotiate before receiving treatment when possible. Have you been referred to a hospital for a test or surgery? Call the billing department of local hospitals and see who will give you the best deal. Let them know you will be paying out-of-pocket whether due to a high deductible or insurance that does not cover the cost. Hospitals will often give a discount to patients that are paying out-of-pocket.
2. Make a payment plan. Talk to the billing department for your doctor, any referrals, and the local hospital. You can save money by working with your provider. Many providers are happy to save you a bit of money when they know they will get paid something.
3. Ask for options. When receiving treatment or prescriptions ask for lower cost options. Generics can cut costs by more than half. Some prescriptions have over the counter options and some have huge discounts, there are even free options at major pharmacies with $4 prescriptions and free antibiotics.
4. Find out if a service or treatment is even necessary. Often less expensive options are available, and often tests and scripts for things like vitamins are not necessary. Postponing tests and procedures that are not vital until a better time can drastically lower the cost, but be sure to ask before you wait, somethings are vital.
5. Check with your insurance provider. Sometimes you can fill out forms to get other services covered. Your doctor usually has no idea what the tests or specialists he recommends cost. Many insurance companies have lists on their web sites. Insurance companies often work out better deals for you then you can on your own, so this is a great factor to look into while shopping for insurance as well.
6. Find affordable after hours care. Often when people get sick or injured after hours they will go to the local emergency room, but that can come with a BIG bill. The local urgent care center can help you get treatment at often less than half the cost of the emergency room with less wait time. If they can not handle your issue they can refer you to the local hospital for proper treatment but, most can handle all of the basic things that go wrong.
7. Prevention is key. The biggest way to lower your healthcare costs is to keep your family healthy in the first place. Washing hands, taking vitamins, and promoting good health with diet and exercise go a long way in preventing illness.
Do you have a suggestion to save on healthcare? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!
