CBD oil, or cannabidol, is an up and coming natural oil that is proving to be of huge help for many people for multiple health issues. Restless Leg Syndrome is just one of those, and if you are someone who deals with RLS on a regular basis, but are having trouble getting relief, you may find that this is just the ticket you need.
Before going into the specifics on using it for RLS, let’s cover some basics on CBD to start with in case you are not familiar with it, or want to know more about it before you take a deeper dive into using it.
Cannibidol is an oil that is extracted from the cannabis plant and because it is grown in multiple places and the plants can be of all different varieties, some types can work a bit better than others for you, but the key is first know where to start.
CBD can come from either the marijuana or the hemp variety of cannabis. The cannabinoids in the plant are what makes it so effective for relief and help for the body and as long as you have the hemp variety of the plant, you will not have any of the psychoactive attributes it is famous for.
The marijuana form will also contain THC in addition to the cannabinoids, which is what causes those effects. Hemp oil has such a limited amount of THC in it that it won’t cause that, so you can safely use it to improve your health and not have to worry about that side of things, and there will be no high that comes from it.
This type of oil is now legal in all 50 states and because of this it is gradually becoming more popular and is being studied more and more. One thing to be sure of when purchasing is that you use a reputable company that will divulge the specifics on their oils and what ingredients are contained in them.
If there are any toxins or chemicals added, steer clear of them, because they are not 100% natural, and purity of the oil is the key to finding relief.
As things become more popular too, there will be copycats that will find ways to produce a product cheaper and call it the same thing for a slightly lesser price. Essential oils work like this and so if you are familiar with using those, this is the same idea. Always know what you’re buying and find out the extraction process and testing that goes into it before purchasing.
When you are first using a new product in your body, too, always take it slowly to begin with, to see how your body reacts to it and then increase the amount if needed.
So here are some tips and facts on using CBD oil to help you start and some practical ways to use it in your daily routine for RLS:
This oil helps to balance your body’s overall state. Homeostasis is when the body is in balance, and CBD oil can help level you out greatly. It is known to help with multiple things like relief from anxiety, stress, inflammation, immune system balance, mood levels, pain levels, balancing appetite and hormones in addition to RLS relief.
You can see how beneficial it can be for you on the whole.
Using it in your daily routine, on a consistent basis is the best way to really know if it is truly helping and the best way to keep track of how much you may or may not need to use.
Because it wasn’t really discovered until the 1980’s, there isn’t a ton of research available on it, the way there is on other oils, but there have been some substantial testing done and there are many articles online that relate to RLS and the use of CBD for it.
RLS affects 1 in 10 people so if you find this to be helpful for you, do share the remedy so others can find relief. In one study that was published they tested 6 patients who suffered from RLS, and found that in all of them, they had “remarkable & total remission” of symptoms.
Because of the fact that RLS causes sleep deprivation, CBD oil helps because it works well for sleep issues and allows you to get good, solid rest. It also helps with pain relief, so this ties in with RLS as well.
Many companies also add flavoring so that you can easily handle the taste of it, and you may find that if those flavors are natural extracts, they may have their own health benefits as well, so some may work better for you than others.
There have been some testimonies stating that it helped immediately, and they can now sleep well and not wake up with RLS happening every night, where some say it didn’t help the pain, but it still helped them sleep, so it was helpful either way.
It is recommended that you take it just before bed and this would make the most sense for working it into your daily routine as well. Then you can know you took it at close to the same time every day and it is easier to keep track of.
A few other options for applying it would be to purchase a salve or lotion that contains it and rub on the legs topically as needed, or just before bed.
One other thing that is important to mention in relation to the use of CBD oil, is that it will not cause an addiction issue for people, the way many other substances can. For people who have a hard time with addiction in their lives, this is a huge bonus to using it. It also doesn’t cause side effects that a drug would because it is a natural product. This is a great reason to at least give it a try when you can’t find relief elsewhere.
Articles used –
FDA AND LEGAL DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Most work-place drug screens and tests target delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and do not detect the presence of Cannabidiol (CBD) or other legal natural hemp based constituents. Even though our products contain less than .3% THC by dry weight (Federal Legal Limit), studies have shown that ingesting Full Spectrum CBD can cause confirmed positive results when screening urine and blood specimens. Accordingly, if you are subject to any form of employment drug testing or screening, we recommend (as does the United States Armed Services) that you DO NOT take our products. Before taking our products, consult with your healthcare practitioner, drug screening testing company or employer. This website requires you to also be at least 18 years or older to purchase our products.
*Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally-occurring constituent of the industrial hemp plant. MyDailyChoice/HempWorx does not sell or distribute any products that are in violation of the United States Controlled Substances Act (US.CSA). The company does sell and distribute hemp based products.