We have a lot of people ask us questions about our choice to homeschool, or what resources we use in our homeschool. I have found that homeschooling is a fascinating concept to people who don’t really seem to understand what it is all about. Today I will address some of our most common questions we receive about homeschooling.

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Questions people ask about homeschooling:
1. You must have a ton of patience?
In all actuality I am not a very patient person at all, but I feel like this is a calling for our family. I have to put myself in check often and I am okay admitting this. Being home with four children all day almost everyday can be a challenge. This is where we have to be creative with our time and plan our schedules.
2. Where did you even know where to start?
The first place I searched was the HSLDA. I wanted to know how to start the process for homeschooling in my state. The HSLDA stands for “The Homeschool Legal Defense Association”. Everything you need to know about your state laws concerning homeschooling can be found there.
I encourage all homeschoolers to become members. They will legally defend you if you need assistance with your local school districts or government.
3. How do you know which curriculum to use?
This was one of my biggest questions myself. Let’s just say I feel like I have bought every curriculum there is, I have wasted a lot of money on curriculum too.
The first thing I suggest is learning each child’s learning style. When you figure this out you will be able to find the right curriculum for that particular child. Notice I said child not children. Each child will have their own way of learning. Some may be able to use the same curriculum together, but most likely you will have completely different learners.
Buy or use free curriculum that works best for each child. Yes there is plenty of free curriculum, or you can make your own if you are on a budget.
There are boxed curriculum choices too. I use mostly boxed curriculum because that is what works best for us. Go find what works best for you and try it. I have bought and then re-sold curriculum that just didn’t work for us. There is no right or wrong way to find what works.
4. How do your kids get to socialize?
This is an easy question for us to answer. My children are involved in programs that spark their interest and they form friendships that are wonderful.
My oldest children attend a Middle School/ High School co-op weekly. My children attend a church every Wednesday night for youth group and Awana where they have wonderful friends as well. My son belongs to a basketball program for homeschoolers that he attends every week getting to do what he loves.
That is just the programs they are in, that doesn’t include anything else we choose to do during the week.
Some would say “how will they deal with the real world of people when they leave home?”, all I can say to that is I teach my children everyday how to deal with people we come in contact with. Those may not have our best interest at heart, or those who may kindness extended to them.
I teach them, I don’t leave them to learn on their own or gather counsel from others that may not have the same values as our family.
So don’t ever worry about the socialization word, I believe that is the biggest excuse non-homeschoolers use to put our decisions into question. Have confidence, find groups your children can connect to and have a blast socializing.
Those are our top questions we are frequently asked about our homeschooling decision. There is always the occasional checkout clerk that ask my children if “schools out for the day?”, we just smile and say we homeschool.
Hopefully if you are just starting this journey of homeschooling or thinking about it these questions and answers have empowered you to know you can do this! Go for it.
For more questions homeschoolers may receive go to the iHomeschool Network linkup here.
