Toddlers can be very interesting at the table, can’t they? Some people think that toddlers are incapable of knowing their table manners, but this simply isn’t true. If you’d like to teach your toddler proper manners, check out these 10 table manners toddlers need to know.

10 table manners toddlers need to know
Saying grace– If your family is into praying before a meal, saying grace is something any toddler can do!
Saying please and thank you– Please and thank you might be age-old manners, but toddlers can learn to say please and thank you from the start.
Using a napkin– It might be tempting to allow a toddler to use their sleeve to wipe off their mouth. However, toddlers can use their manners and use a napkin to wipe the food off of their mouth.
Ask to leave the table– Once your toddler has finished his or her food, asking to leave the table is not too much to ask of a toddler either.
Not to talk over others– Sometimes toddlers can get a little excited and talk over someone else who is talking. A simple reminder to wait their turn is a basic manner that toddlers need to know at the table.
Politeness is a table manner– Teaching your toddler to ask someone to hand them something nicely is a table manner. This might take some work, but it’s totally worth the effort.
Sitting on their bottoms– Toddlers love to move and groove at the dinner table. However, it can be hard to eat correctly if they are not sitting on their bottoms. This is a good table manner to teach your child.
Noting when they’re wrong– No one is perfect, but if your toddler wrongs someone at the dinner table, it’s important that they know to say “I’m sorry.”
Being thankful– You don’t need to be a drill sergeant, but there’s nothing wrong with teaching your toddler how to be grateful for their food.
Trying everything on their plate– Another table manner to keep in mind is to ask your toddler to try everything on their plate before saying they don’t like it.
Teaching your toddler manners is a great way to begin their childhood. It’s always nice to hear that they are thankful for their food. It’s also lovely to hear the words “please and thank you” at the dinner table. Keep in mind that teaching table manners takes some work, but it’s totally worth it in the long run! What table manners do you teach your toddler?
