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5 Ways to Embrace your Motherhood Journey

Writer's picture: messyandfabulousmessyandfabulous

Hello there! Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Tiffany, wife, mother of 8 and blogger over at Finish with Joy. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to share with you today 5 Ways to Embrace your Motherhood Journey.

As you saw from the title, I’m going to be talking about motherhood today. Now maybe you’re thinking of course she’s going to talk about motherhood….she’s got 8 children! Would it help if I told you I never wanted to be a mother?

It’s true.

Ways to Embrace your Motherhood Journey

I had determined in high school (the place where all wise decisions are made, right?) that I did not want the responsibility of motherhood. Selfishly, my intent was to take care of 3 people: me, myself, and I. Thankfully, God had other plans!

No matter how many children you’re raising or their ages; here’s my list of five ways to embrace the beautiful, messy, rewarding, character building journey called motherhood.

5 Ways to Embrace your Motherhood Journey


It’s been said that thankfulness is the mother of all virtues. So in spite of the laundry piles, meals to cook, diapers to change, and hormones we deal with; there really is something that shifts in our attitude when we meet each opportunity to serve our family with gratitude.


If you have little ones at home perhaps you’re tired of hearing this from older mothers; but it’s true. My oldest just turned 19 a few weeks ago and I can’t believe how the time has passed so quickly. As I grow up in the Lord, He has changed my mindset.

I no longer view motherhood as a sacrifice but as a time of necessary, but temporary inconveniences. Temporary because babies don’t stay babies forever, toddlers eventually are potty trained and teenagers eventually mature.

I’m not saying motherhood isn’t costly; there is a price to be paid. But looking at my children and how they enrich my life; the cost pales in comparison to what I’ve received in return.

  1. LAUGH

I’m naturally a serious natured person. But it’s been a beautiful (sometimes daily) lesson to learn to not take myself so seriously. After all laughter is good medicine.


Our journey as mothers can be deeply enhanced by receiving encouragement & support from women who are on the same path. This can be done in groups such as MOPS, Moms in Prayer,Bible studies, or homeschooling co-ops. Although face to face interactions are my preference the internet age allows us the opportunity to be encouraged through our favorite blogs as well.


I can think of no better way to squash our selfish, self-centered human tendencies than by reaching out to others and being a tangible expression of that.

This can be done by reaching out women who are in varying stages of motherhood.  Those who are where you are, where you were and where you are going.

So, now that I’ve done all the talking, it’s your turn!  I’d love to hear what you’re doing or have done to embrace motherhood.

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