As a woman and a mom I know the importance of being aware of my surroundings, and always watching over my shoulder. Everyday we hear of women being attacked, it is just plain scary. There are a few things that I personally do to stay safe when I am out in public, especially with my kids. I am hoping that sharing these tactics can help you if you find yourself in a situation where you feel uneasy or scared and need to protect yourself.

To say I hate the parking lots is putting it mildly. Parking lots where I live can be scary and unsafe. There have been shootings, and robberies at the stores in my area, in which some would say was a very small town, but not the case.
9 Tips to Stay Safe in a Parking Lot:
Never park in the back of the parking lot, drive around until you can get a spot close to the front of the store.
Never sit in your car for an extended period of time. I was once approached sitting in my car, and let’s just say I was in reverse ready to back over this person, they ran away. I learned that day though to never sit and wait on someone in the store, you drive around the parking lot until your other party is exiting the store.
Before walking to your car have pepper spray on your key chain ready to use in your hand, this way if you are approached and need to protect yourself you are ready.
Always check under your car and inside your car before getting in or walking around your car.
If you are approached by someone and they are making you feel scared here is a great tool that I was taught to bring attention and keep people from coming any closer to you. I have used this myself and it worked.
If you are being approached raise your hand up in a stop position (preferably with your pepper spray) and SCREAM ” Back away your making me feel uncomfortable” , bringing attention to yourself and that person. Most people will run, when I used this technique the man whom approached me ran away before my husband could get out of the car and ask what was going on. If they don’t stop though spray their eyeballs out with the pepper spray.
Get your concealed carry license if you’re a gun person (like me), and know your laws. Defend yourself if you ever feel like your life or your children’s life is being threatened.
I always have my children be my eyes when I am loading my groceries in the car. They take my purse and get in the car, close all of the doors, I then open the hatch and they re-lock the doors so the only way anyone could get in the car in where I am at the back of the car. They then take sides and watch for anyone that may approach me while I am unloading.
If you ever feel like you are being followed in a store ask for someone to walk you out to your car or call security. They will be more than willing to help you, and you may bring awareness to a problem they may not be aware of.
These are just a few ways I keep safe when I am out by myself or with kids in tow. What are some ways you stay safe?
