Yesterday was Shawn’s last round of chemo. Whew! Thank God! His veins are so scarred it took 3 nurses and 4 sticks before they could get his IV in. They could only use his right arm because of the blood clot in the left arm. Poor guy, he took it like a champ though. I scheduled his appointment with the radiation doctor yesterday as well. He goes in on Feb. 25th to get his mask and treatment set up. He will go through about 4 weeks of radiation. Also they are going to repeat the PET scan and CT scan in a few weeks to make sure there are no more “hot spots” as they call it. So just please pray for nothing to show up on either of those scans. I had to go the my heart specialist again for my yearly check up with him on Wed. He said everything looks great, but I just have a sensitive heart. A lot of you do not know that I have episodes where my heart rate will jump up really fast at times. I feel like I can’t breathe and I can feel my pulse throughout my body. He said normal people can have heart jumps from between 70 bpm to 100 bpm, mine can go from 80bpm to 140bpm. He said that when my brain releases adrenaline my heart is really sensitive to that and cannot regulate It properly. This does not happen all the time, but mostly through times of stress. So lately it has been acting up. He gave me some beta blockers to take as needed and that should help. So I will be fine. I can’t wait for things to get back to somewhat normal. So just keep praying! 🙂 The kids are doing great and handling things really good. Thank you for all of your support! Alana