I was inspired by Family Christian to write this blog post based on Kyle Idelman’s newest devotional “40 Day’s to Lasting Change” . I am breaking the book down into weekly devotional entries and making it a series of posts that will be posted every Thursday. If you would like to start reading at week one click here.
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For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges thoughts and attitudes of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12
Have you ever really thought about free choice, or free will? I have a teen daughter and she is starting to question a lot of things in her life, and sometimes she questions God. I know I have questioned God on many occasions. Doubt is a normal emotion that God gave us, He can handle it. I think it’s how we handle those questions ,and how those decisions we make determine our path we take in life.
When God sounds the alarms in our lives we need to listen, heed His warning. It is my belief that He will always give us a warning. Choosing to listen is our choice, God gives us that free will. God doesn’t force us to choose His path, but He loves us enough to give us a perfect path to choose.
I am praying for my children now and hoping that when the alarms go off for them they will choose to listen ,and choose what God has for them. As a mom the thought of this is very scary, I am hoping my children choose integrity, dignity, purity, respect, humbleness, and God’s truth for their lives.
One way to guide children is to listen to God is by reading His word together. I am thankful that I homeschool because most mornings we read the bible together and then discuss what God is teaching us. I learn so much from my children asking questions about the bible, questions I would have never thought of. I love learning from a child’s perspective. I encourage you to find a time during the week and have family devotions together. I will list a few books and apps that are my favorite for family devotions at the end of this post.
The challenge from the book “40 Weeks To Lasting Change” this week is to spend 5 less minutes on social media or anything that takes our extra time, and spend that time in the bible listening to the alarms God may be sending you. I will be doing this in the mornings next week and listening to God. What can you do to spend 5 extra minutes in God’s word this week? Share with me below in the comments.
My favorite family devotional resources:
Bible for Kids app by LifeChurch.tv
Bible app by YouVersion / there are large number of free devotion plans you can choose from
Exploring Grace Together: 40 devotions for the family by Jessica Thompson
