Do you ever find yourself fretting that when your children are on the internet they are going to click on something that you would rather them not see? I know that I have clicked on links not knowing what they had behind them, only to be in complete disgust when the page shows up.
I have been appalled more than once, I was instantly struck with fear for what my children might click across just playing games or researching topics for their school work. I immediately started the search for the perfect internet filter for my family. I have found the following four internet filters that my family uses, and they are on all of our devices in some form or fashion.

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Yes I said devices, this includes desktops, laptops, iPads, Ipods, cell phones, and tablets. Wow, that is a lot of devices, but every one of devices has a filter on them. I can stress a lot less now, I know that whatever device my family is on they wont be assaulted with images or content that is inappropriate.
My top four internet filters in no particular order are:
K-9 Web Protection: This is a free internet filter, you read that right FREE!
With K-9 you can block websites, set time restrictions, safe search, configure custom allow and do not allow lists for websites, block YouTube, force safe YouTube browsing, and more. There is an override option for the administrator to log in and gain access to certain pages that may be blocked, or allow access to those pages for a specified time period. This can be used with Windows or Mac systems.
This is a great filter if you are looking for a very effective blocking filter with weekly reports. To get K9 all you need to do is visit the site, sign up, and they will send you a download link ( 1 download link per computer ), click on the link, enter your license code and install. After the download you can customize your settings for each particular computer. It’s that easy!

Net Nanny is a wonderful filter for all your devices. I personally use Net Nanny on all of our cell phones. I am able to control internet time allowances, block apps that I do not want my children using, prevent installation or deletion of apps, block any setting changes that could be made to the phones, block internet browsers, and so much more. You can block content types, and get weekly reports for each device. The devices that Net Nanny protects are PC’s, Apple products, and Android devices. They also have a social media filter for accounts that you may need to keep a close eye on. View all text, email and multimedia messages. Try Net Nanny Mobile Today!
I highly recommend Net Nanny, and I personally use this product every day.
Covenant Eyes: You receive a free month of services when you sign up!
This is a subscription based filter that you can pay monthly. Covenant Eyes is huge on blocking pornography on the web. They have a mission and it is to protect your family against porn. I love this company and the stand that it takes against this industry, but it also had many resources for anyone who needs help if they have an addiction to porn. I have this on my children’s laptops for an extra layer of protect against porn specifically. I can assign a guardian to my children’s accounts and review every searched term, web page, key word , and more. I can personally set a filter for each child, and set a password just for them to use so they can log on to their own personal browser. I give this filter a very high approval rate!
AT&T Smart Limits: This filter is particular to one wireless phone carrier, AT&T. This is a different type of filter for cell phones. With AT&T Smart Limits the account holder can add filter this to their phone plan for $4.99 a month with a simple phone call to *611 (AT&T). This filter can block or allow certain numbers, you can program certain numbers that are the only numbers allowed to call the phone. Other filters include texting limits, time limits, and contacts. Data usage can be turned off at predetermined times or off completely. Any time a new contact calls or texts the phone number you can be alerted on the account holder phone to filter these. If you have a child with a phone this is worth $4.99 a month.
If you have a family or just need accountability for your spouse, or yourself any of these internet filters would be a great addition to your electronic devices. If you can prevent any exposure to pornography, or filter inappropriate YouTube videos, do it. I heard on a christian family radio program that whatever filters a child has in place for them before the age of 14, they carry those filters with them throughout life and use those to filters to judge against content that may come their way. Set good filters early and protect your family.
What is your favorite internet filter you use to protect your family?
