Ecstatic was the word I use to describe myself when I got an email from Jessi of The Budget Mama asking me to guest post over on her blog, and I of course said yes! She is hosting a 21 day series during the month of September featuring some of the best bloggers in finance. Below is a snippet of the full post I wrote about Homeschooling on a Budget..

You’ve made the decision to homeschool, you’ve sent in all the paperwork, and now it’s time to get started. All you need now is the curriculum, but you are on a budget and can’t spend a fortune. Now what?
Before you get too stressed out by looking at all the flashy expensive curriculum there is out there know you can stay on a budget and have a full homeschool curriculum, all without spending money you don’t have.
Did you know you can homeschool on a budget?
Yes, free!
Continue reading here on The Budget Mama
