When I was asked to review SchoolhouseTeachers.com I was very excited because I was already a member of this wonderful curriculum resource. SchoolhouseTeachers.com offers curriculum options for preschool throughout high school all online! There is no need to wait for curriculum to arrive in the mail, all you need to do is click on the grade or subject you want to study and download the curriculum, print, and follow the online class or watch the video for that course. It’s that easy! You can use SchoolhouseTeachers.com any time of day, or any day of the week.

SchoolhouseTeachers.com is a subscription based membership, you can try the first month for just $1.00 in April or you can purchase a Yearly Membership. The $1.00 join fee was the reason I joined, and I am so glad I did.
Now, let’s talk about everything that SchoolhouseTeachers.com has to offer. They offer courses in just about any subject you can think of, a few of my favorite are: Art, Computer Science/Programming (my son’s favorite because of the Minecraft Mod design), Keyboarding, Internet Entrepreneurship for Teens, How to Write and Produce a Play, Photography, Foreign Language, Guitar (which I personally want to learn), and many more. They also have core curriculum which includes: Math, Science, Language Arts, and History.
Specialized focus learning centers for math and language arts are also a member benefit. The math center provides daily learning activities to master key math facts, games, methods and strategies for teaching math to your students, tips for teaching hands-on kinetic learners, and so much more, The Language Arts focused learning center includes games for grammar, spelling, comprehension, monthly book lists, phonics, help for struggling readers, and more. There are over 100 course that you can choose from on SchoolhouseTeachers.com.

We chose to do a lapbook activity about summer since it is right around the corner. It was so easy to find exactly what we were looking for, we went to the courses for the specific grade level we were looking for, then we clicked on everyday lapbooking, chose an archived course, and then we searched for the summer lapbook we wanted. Everything is all laid out for you, the weekly activities you will do, the lapbook pieces, and all the directions for putting your lapbook together. Lapbooks are great for hands-on visual learners like my son. He loved working on this lapbook, and learning about all the summer safety habits he should have. Some of the safety tips he learned about was to apply sunscreen to prevent sun burns, and skin cancer. He learned about Vitamin D and its importance. In the coming weeks he will learn about staying hydrated, bites and stings, and food safety.
The lapbook unit has vocabulary words to work on throughout the weekly lesson as well.

After learning about skin cancer my son was sure to apply sunscreen when we was going outside.

SchoolhouseTeachers.com is not only for your student, but for the adults in your family as well. There are categories that offer College Choice Guidance, Everyday Organization, Homesteading, Planners, and discounts to various resources including HSLDA. Daily devotions, and homeschool encouragement can be found as well.
My family will be using SchoolhouseTeachers.com this coming 2015-2016 school year for fun subjects that are hard to find curriculum for. My 8th grade daughter will be starting the Guitar course in Music, my 6th grade son will be taking the computer programming course for Minecraft Mods, and my 5-year-old daughter will focus on phonics.
When you are trying to homeschool on a budget you want to find the resources that will give you the most use for your money, and curriculum that is very teacher friendly. I highly recommend SchoolhouseTeachers.com, you can always try the first month for $1.00 and look over everything they have to offer, then after that first month decide if this membership is a good choice for your family. I can guarantee everyone will find something they will want to learn, and you will have all the resources and curriculum to teach them.
If you would like to read more reviews about SchoolhouseTeachers.com follow the banner below, there you will find over 100 reviews from other homeschool families like us.
God Bless.
