Shawn has lost 30 pounds now, he is still not really able to eat. He is drinking Ensure shakes, I am sure he will never want another Ensure shake ever again after all of this. He is starting to get better, but it is slow. I am hoping by next week he can eat something yummy. Thank you for all your prayers, please do not stop praying for Shawn’s recovery. He will go every 3 months for CT scans for 2 years, and then every 6 months for 3 years after that. I am praying and believing every one of those will be 100% clear. Below is a little thought I have had and thought I would share. :)I have never ran in a marathon before, but I feel like we have ran a marathon of life these last 5 months. Up hills, down hills, in the rain, in the sun, you name it I feel like we’ve ran through it. 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. The last part of that verse is what I love, I have kept the faith. It was not easy. This marathon is one that I hope and pray no one I know will have to run. At the beginning your adrenaline is pumping, you have trained your mind for what is to come, you have nourished your body, you are ready. -Go!- Into the first mile or two you are feeling pretty good still, your not breathing too hard, you are good. You still think you have an idea of what is ahead. You trained for it. Then your into mile 5 or 6, your breathing is heavy you are totally and completely in this marathon, you cannot stop, but you keep going, the prize is head. Mile 13 or 14, you are gasping for air, your legs feel like giving out, you have thought about giving up a few times, but there is something deep inside of you carrying you. It is there carrying you to the finish line, it is Jesus whispering in your ear, I am with you, go. Only Jesus knows how you feel. You finish, now what? You collapse. You need water, rest, and nourishment. You need that encouragement from everyone around you. You thought the training for the marathon was the hardest part of all of this, but no it was the finish. The recovery is slow but steady. Your body hurts, you feel sick, you are exhausted for days, you didn’t know it would be this hard. BUT you did it! We did it. LIFE is your prize. Life can come at you from left field, when you least expect it. So train yourself to be ready at any time. Keep your faith, Jesus will be there to tell you he is here. I have questioned God “why us?” I have not gotten an answer “yet”, but one day I am sure this was all part of a greater plan. A plan I may not understand yet. One day I will know why. 🙂 What does your marathon look like? Are you just starting yours, or are you almost to the finish line, listen for Jesus,- go-.
Alana 🙂