I was inspired by Family Christian to write this blog post based on Kyle Idelman’s newest devotional “40 Day’s to Lasting Change” . I am breaking the book down into weekly devotional entries and making it a series of posts that will be posted every Thursday. If you would like to start reading at week one click here.
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Week 4: Awakening
And he said to me, “Son of man, listen carefully and take to heart all the words I speak to you.” – Ezekiel 3:10
Have you ever felt that God was tapping you on your shoulder and trying to warn you from something, but yet you still continue as if He was never there? I know I have.
The Holy Spirit is here to guide us throughout life, and how many times do we brush Him off as just another thought? I know I have plenty if times. Then I remember the times I listened, God is good.
Do you have an alarm you set to wake to? My husband does and it goes off at 3:00 a.m., I find it pretty annoying. He hits snooze about four times before he gets up. I know some of you are thinking 3:00 a.m. is early, and it is , but if doesn’t get up at that time he will be late for work and eventually lose his job. His lose of his job would be detrimental on our finances and lives. Alarms are good, even better if they are spiritual alarms.
God sets alarms for us, awakenings. Sometimes we stand immediately up and listen to those awakenings, and other times we snooze, only to learn that He was warning us from harm.
In the devotional 40 Days To Lasting Change by Kyle Idleman nails it on the head: the effectiveness of any alarm is in direct correlation to how much you don’t want to hear it.
How many times have you and I not wanted to hear the alarm going off? What alarm is God sounding off to you that you need to stand up and listen? Is it a new start in your marriage, an apology to your children for not being the parent God has called you to be, a flirty look or relationship with someone at work? It could be a number of things. When we choose to listen to those alarms God is so good to come in and heal those relationships, change your situations, and do His will in your life, but you have to be willing to hear the alarm.
Are you listening to those alarms? What are they telling you? God is a compassionate God and loving Father, just as I warn my children of dangers of this life, God steps in and does so much more than this, He gives us mercy and grace even when we have hit rock bottom and messed up.
What are some of the alarms God is sounding off to you right now?
