We were beyond THRILLED with the success of our first Pick Your Pin Link Party last week! We had 94 pins and TONS of repins happening! We hope you enjoyed it!!
Here are our Pin Picks from last week’s party:
Jamie’s Pick: I loved this post on how to make a Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake from Moms Small Victories! One of my kids loves these cookie cakes and it would be so much cheaper to make one at home instead of buying it at the store!

Alana’s Pick: I loved this “Go Outside and Play” Basket from Everyday Domestic. I will be making one of these and sitting it on my garage step!

Ladies, be sure and grab our “I was featured” button to display on your blogs!

<div align="center"><a href="http://ihaveafutureandahope.com" title="I have a Future and a Hope"><img src="http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a364/alexamaxwestin/PickYourPinFeatureButton.png" alt="I have a Future and a Hope" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Your hosts for the party are:
Jamie at Life is Sweeter by Design

Alana at I Have a Future and a Hope
Instead of linking up a blog post….you will be linking up an actual PIN. If you aren’t sure how to get the URL for your pin….click HERE for more detailed instructions!
Alana and I will be pinning EVERY pin at the party on our own party boards! We will also each pick our favorite pin from the party and feature it the following week! (please note that we will not pin pins that go against our beliefs or are against the rules of the party)
We want to help you get your amazing pins out into the Pinterest stratosphere! So here is how the party will work!
Party Rules
Let’s connect….we would love to get to know you and your blog better!!
The party will go live on Monday evenings from 8pm (CST) until Thursday evenings at 8pm (CST).
We would love it if you grabbed our button and put it on your party page or somewhere on your blog! The more people who come and party with us…the more repins we will all see!!

<div align="center"><a href="http://ihaveafutureandahope.com" title="I have a Future and a Hope"><img src="http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a364/alexamaxwestin/PickYourPinButton125.png" alt="I have a Future and a Hope" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
*Please link a specific pin, not a blog post!!*Before you link up your pin, click on the pin and make sure it takes you to the post, not your home page. Please do not link up pins that go to Etsy or Ebay–only pins that go to your posts on your blog!*Please only link up your own original pins that contain your own images. Do not link up pictures of other bloggers that you have included in a round-up. If you made a collage of the pictures for a round-up that would be fine.*Please pin 2 other pins from the party for each pin you leave! Let’s play nice and spread the pin love around!!*Please link up new pins each week so that we can all have great new things to pin! *Linking up to this party gives the hosts permission to use a picture, pin or link to your blog post if they feature your pin on their blogs or social media. You will always be given proper credit!! Tweet about the party NOW…let’s get the word out!! [tweetthis]Join us at Pick Your Pin Pinterest Link Party! Get your pins repinned!! #PickYourPin[/tweetthis]