Family Christian asked me to review Let the Journey Begin by Max Lucado. This little book reminded me of the journey I took after graduating high school in 1995. A journey filled with a lot of emotion and change, but God knew exactly what He was doing.

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I remember graduation day like it was yesterday. I was so glad to be moving on to the next journey in life, I was in love, I knew my profession that I would pursue, I had a job that helped me to save a little money, and I was ready to take the world on. I was ready! Or so I thought.
Life had it’s own plans that I never saw coming. Plans that would change my world, good changes, but not what I had “planned” on the day I received my diploma. I thought I would be majoring in foreign language until they closed all of my classes at the local college before school even began. I got engaged 5 months after graduation at 18 when I thought I would never get married until I was 40. I planned a wedding for the next Spring, only to have it postponed for 3 years. Whenever I thought I had it all planned out, God had a different journey for me. Was it easy to navigate the winding road of crushed hopes? No, but 20 years later I completely understand why God changed my course for my better.
Instead of majoring in foreign language I went to cosmetology school, something I was always interested in, and now I work from home so I can stay-at-home with my four children. God knew my future before I did and knew I needed to be able to work from home so I can be here with my babies while making an income. God knew I would fall I in love with my soul-mate before I was even entertaining the idea of love. God also knew my husband needed to get some stuff (dysfunctional family) taken care of from his past before he could marry me and be the husband that he needed to be for me, so God gave him the wisdom to wait on the wedding 3 years, yes it took that long, but the wait was worth it.

[tweetthis]God knew my journey. God knows your journey. #graduation[/tweetthis]
I wish I would’ve had a resource such as Let the Journey Begin by Max Lucado when I woke up the day after graduation and the whole world was big and new. This book is a devotional to help you figure out your goals, and plans for your life ahead. In the back of the book there is a great place to write out a prayer for your life, where you think you may want God to lead you. This prayer would be great to look back on in the years to come and see how far God has brought you on your journey. There is also a goal setting area for your personal, professional, and spiritual goals. You also have a space to write your favorite quotes and scriptures. If you are giving this as a graduation gift this would be a great area to write your favorite scriptures for your special graduate to encourage them on life’s journey.
There are five sections in the book to encourage you:
A Road Map for Success-A Road Map for Success
Stop, Look and Listen-Good Habits for a Good Journey
A Fork in the Road-Deciding Which Way to Go
Dangers and Detours Ahead-Slow Down, Avoid Danger
Two Is Fine Company-A Friend for the Journey
If your looking for the perfect graduation gift this is it! You can purchase Let The Journey Begin by Max Lucado at your local Family Christian store, or here online.
I am giving away my copy of Let The Journey Begin to one of my readers! Enter below for your chance to win.a Rafflecopter giveaway
