I am currently reading “Say Goodbye to Survival Mode” by Crystal Paine, and I am on the chapter that is about setting goals that are attainable. So I took the challenge.
My mind tends to be a bit jumbled, I’m not sure if that is because of a lack of sleep, or just running a household of six. I have decided to set some general weekly goals for myself to begin with. Writing down my goals is the first step to setting and keeping my weekly goals. Small goals are the best to start with, they will not overwhelm you ,and you can see progress. I get overwhelmed very easy, I am hoping this exercise will ease the week to week anxiety I have. So every week I will be writing down somethings I want to accomplish in hopes that this will help me to be organized in my thoughts. So starting Monday, August 4th my goals for the week are:
30 minutes every morning to read my bible and pray.
Give each child 10 minutes of uninterrupted alone time daily.
45 minutes of exercise 3 times a week.
Blog 2 times a week.
Read 2 hours a week. ( This may not seem like a lot of time, but for me this is massive)
Cook dinner at least 5 nights a week.
Be in bed by 11:oo p.m. every night.
I may not achieve all of these every week, but it gives me something to strive for. So I will be writing these down and hanging these up in my house, so I will see these goals throughout the day to serve as a reminder. Why don’t you try this with me? Give it a try and let me know how you did.

Photo credit : edit by ihaveafutureandahope.com