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Photo Credit: Family Christian
I can’t imagine as a mother selling my daughters to the human trafficking industry, or someone kidnapping them and selling them to the industry , and I never see them again. It breaks my heart that this happens more frequently than we could ever fathom. There are families that go through this horror every single day. It’s all over the world, even in your city, town, and neighborhood. It’s easy to turn a blind eye to things we cannot see. What we are not seeing are the victims that are right in the middle of this cancerous industry. Viray was one of those victims, she was being abused, physically, emotionally, and sexually. Chan found work in the sex industry because of poverty and was trying to survive. It is so hard to believe that this is really going on. It is pure evil. The more we speak about it, the more we are aware.
Family Christian Stores is partnering with Destiny Rescue to raise awareness, and money to help fight for the children, men, and woman that this industry enslaves. During the week of November 22-30 Family Christian will donate the earnings made from your purchases to Destiny Rescue so they can start their program in the Dominican Republic. This beautiful country has a dirty secret. It is ranked 4th in THE WORLD for exportation of women into the sex trade. I never would have known this unless organizations raised awareness such as this.
Destiny Rescue offers help, and hope to those that are enslaved by this industry. Destiny Rescue offers the rescued victims a safe after care home where they receive counseling, life skills training, education, fun, and an environment to learn about Jesus. You can be apart of their healing just by shopping at your local Family Christian Store, or online during the week of November 22-30. To follow along with this challenge search the hashtag #FCchallenge on social media. I am excited to see what God is going to do during this challenge!

Photo Credit: Family Christian
My friend Vanessa Harris from Tucson Arizona recently took part in a walk that raised money to help fight the human trafficking industry. Here is her story and why this is important to her:
I have come to realize that sex trafficking is happening all over the world. It is not talked about a lot and it should be. It’s slavery. It’s a scary thing to be in. It has and continues to destroy the lives of innocent women and children. It saddens and angers me that such a thing is happening.
I learned about the organization, Sold No More, through my church. Sold No More organized Walk4Freedom in Tucson, AZ to raise awareness and fundraise to stop sex trafficking in Tucson. My husband and I felt we should participate and help get the word out about sex trafficking. The more people know, the more lives can be saved.
The day of the walk, one mother shared her story about her daughter being in the sex trafficking. Her daughter ran away a few times and would end up right back into it each time. Her daughter was made to feel worthless and that there was nothing else for her. Thankfully the Lord had His hand on her and she finally got the help she needed. She is free from this horrible thing and is now helping others like her.
I am so glad I did the walk and plan on doing it again. People really need to be aware of this evil act that is happening in every city in the United States. I want to see lives saved.
Vanessa Chismar
Please remember while you are enjoying a warm meal with your family this Thanksgiving that there are victims trapped, and enslaved wishing for this often taken for granted freedom that most of us share. If you go black Friday shopping stop by your Family Christian Store and help support this cause.
