I am always looking for something really fun and yummy to make with my kiddos. If your kids are anything like mine they love to bake! With fall and Halloween fast approaching I thought this Chocolate Candy Corn Marshmallow Brownie Pie looked perfect to make. Doesn’t it just look heavenly? My kiddos got all excited when they saw this recipe. This recipe I am sure will be made several times this season and for many years to come. So go grab a big bag of candy corn and have fun whipping this up today.

1 pkg oreo cookies (regular size)
1 box brownie mix
-oil, water and eggs to make brownie mix
1-1/2 cups mini marshmallows
1/4 cup candy corn

Spray the bottom of a spring-form pan (mine was 10″) with cooking spray and set aside. Heat oven to 350.
Crush 20 cookies in a bag or bowl. In a separate bowl crush 8 cookies. Set aside. (try not to eat all of them like me)
Prepare brownie mix as directed on box using water, egg and oil. Add 20 crushed cookies and stir in. Pour batter into pan and bake for 18-22 minutes or until edges are firm.

Remove from oven and top with marshmallows. Place back in over for 1-2 minutes until marshmallows are puffy. Remove from oven and top with candy corn. Let cool completely until cutting into slices.
This serves 12.
I would love to hear if you liked this recipe!
Chocolate Candy Corn Marshmallow Brownie Pie
Recipe Type: Dessert
Author: Alana
Cook time: 20 mins
Total time: 20 mins
Serves: Serves 12
Halloween / Fall Candy Corn Brownies
1 pkg oreo cookies (regular size)
1 box brownie mix
-oil, water and eggs to make brownie mix
1-1/2 cups mini marshmallows
1/4 cup candy corn
Spray the bottom of a springform pan (mine was 10″) with cooking spray and set aside. Heat oven to 350.
Crush 20 cookies in a bag or bowl. In a separate bowl crush 8 cookies. Set aside.
Prepare brownie mix as directed on box using water, egg and oil. Add 20 crushed cookies and stir in. Pour batter into pan and bake for 18-22 minutes or until edges are firm.
Remove from oven and top with marshmallows. Place back in over for 1-2 minutes until marshmallows are puffy. Remove from oven and top with candy corn. Let cool completely until cutting into slices.
